Cannabis Therapy?
Consultations include up to an hour of individualized considerations of cannabis therapy such as:
Basic interactions with medications
Where to begin with CBD and THC
Tailoring your existing routine with more targeted cannabinoids
Dosing Strategies
Science-based articles and resources
This information can guide and develop an individualized care plan to address your needs and goals, develop your own understanding, and work with your primary care doctor.
Many people benefit from guided personal experimentation. However, if during the initial consultation we conclude that you have a complex situation that would be best served by a doctor or nurse trained in medical cannabis therapy, we can offer you a referrals list. In this case, you will be issued a refund.

Cannabis Products
We screen cannabis products and determine whether they are optimal medical quality. Our goal is to connect clients with products. Every state has different laws; we do not provide legal advice, and urge you to know the regulations in your location in order to make a well-informed decision on how best to proceed.

Who We Are
In a confusing market place, flooded with new products we
 offer education and resources to help you make informed choices. Be Well Botanicals founder is a contributing author to, “CBD, A Patients Guide to Medicinal Cannabis” and has personal experience recovering from chronic illness by incorporating CBD tinctures in combination with other holistic treatments.
Cannabis is a very complex plant, and in some ways we are just scratching the surface of understanding how it can be used as both a therapeutic tool and life changing medicine for a variety of different situations. Researchers, educators, doctors and nurses are rapidly learning more and more about how to optimize its use, and how to determine how our unique needs can be addressed with cannabis.
Keeping current with this information is important for everyone involved. While we are not doctors, we can support you with basic
 information, trustworthy referrals, and respected resources to help
 you begin your journey of using whole plant medicine and cannabinoids to optimize your well being.
We have been passionate about this medicine for quite some time now. This continuing education, in addition to decades of valuing this plant and seven plus years of learning through patient anecdotes, working within a California Prop. 215 collective which focused specifically on high CBD strains, sets us apart from many of the new companies hopping on board the “green rush express”.